“One Step” for Jason Luckett’s 6th Album
I’m over the moon with all the support I’ve received for this new record — from those who’ve pledged (http://kck.st/aaezQv) and the team helping me to get it done. You’ve made me feel very loved and emboldened! We’ve passed the initial goal by $600, so at this point we’re about $400 short of my being able to do a full pressing and get the physical CD out to more people beyond those who’ve asked for the special edition. I was talking to my mother this afternoon, and you know how mother’s have that way of asking the simply perfect questions. She asked, “Why didn’t you just ask for all you needed in the first place?” All I could say was that I wanted to absolutely make sure I could get the music done and wasn’t really sure that I would be able to raise $3000 in an all or nothing proposition. But you’ve all made me believe and now we’re so close! If just two people decide to have a private concert in their home for $250, or if one person wants me to write a song and another wants to be on the list to all my shows for a year, I’ll be able to do the full run and have the commercially available CDs ready in January. That’d be the best start to a year for me ever! Think about it and know that every pledge helps and entitles you to beyond the value of a regular CD purchase or download. But those special offers end at 4pm PST on Thursday. So if you’re thinking about it, please contribute today.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! It’s been such a boost of energy to feel this support!
Love and Peace,