Love and/or Forgiveness – Kinyarwanda

Just got in from another inspirational night at the AFI Film Festival. Saturday I saw “Mama Africa,” a doc on Miriam Makeba. You need to see it. Beyond the music, it’s so inspiring to see her as a young woman speaking at the UN calling for sanctions on South Africa in 1962. It blew me away to see her strength at such a young age in such different times. (And so ahead of the times, unfortunately, in her call, seeing as it took decades before meaningful sanctions were in place.) Tonight, the inspiration came from a feature called Kinyarwanda which follows several intimate stories through the genocide toward the healing of the nation. Just a beautiful film. I went in nervous about how it would affect me, but Alrick Brown takes you through these stories with a tenderness that shows how forgiveness can come even at the end of such horrific experiences. It opens in LA on Dec. 2.

Oh yes, and what inspired the blog title is the line on their promo postcards. “Please take a minute to let someone know that you LOVE or FORGIVE them.” I like that.

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